Knit Night Cupcakes

Knit Night Cupcakes - Yarn Balls

A friend of mine is having a going away party tonight. She got a great job in NYC, and they want her there immediately! Good news for her, but bad news for us here in Boston!

The party is also a Knit Night, so I thought I’d bring some appropriately decorated cupcakes. This was my first time working with marzipan, and what fun it is! Like, four hours of fun.

Speaking of the party, I gotta go! Forgive my lack of words; I hope I can make up for it with the ridiculous amount of photos!

Knit Night Cupcakes

Knit Night Cupcakes - Frogged Project

Knit Night Cupcakes - UFO

Knit Night Cupcakes - Scarf

Knit Night Cupcakes

On February 25th, 2008 I was on the Martha Stewart Show showing Martha how to make these. Here’s the clip!

Photo tutorials here.


  1. craftycarole

    OK… all I can say is you put ALL the letters into crafty. Those cupcakes are AMAZING… true works of art.. (and I love marzipan) but no way that I’d eat them. I’d let them petrify I think…. incredible!

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  3. Fran Noah Baldwin

    I am an 86 year old woman. Have been baking and knitting for over 80 years. Words cannot express the thoughts and ideas that come to my mind for your cupcakes. Whoever created this – it has been a miracle. I would love to relive my life just to know how you did this. I think I will try marzipan, colored angel hair, etc. etc. and see if I can do any better! hahaha.

  4. Pingback: Breakfast at Charly’s | Cupcakes + Knitting = Cute and Delicious!
  5. Devon

    I bow to your wonderful talent!!! Are you by chance in a pastry career or do you just have fun at home with marzipan? They are perfectly, knitterlly, wonderfully, lovely, pieces of edible art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Pingback: +Larcenette+ » Yummi cupcakes!!!
  7. Pingback: I personally believe….. « FELTWORKS
  8. Pingback: Knit Night Cupcakes « Dreamwalkn in Vermont
  9. Technical Writing Geek

    As someone who loves marzipan in all forms, but always enjoyed the animal and fruit shapes into which it was made, your cupcakes seem like pure magic. I wouldn’t want to have to decide to eat them, even though I’m a pig for the marzipan.

  10. Pingback: Moonfire Thoughts » Blog Archive » Science, Spiders, and Kitting-Themed Muffins!
  11. Pingback: Through The Looking Glass » Blog Archive » Now I’m hungry.
  12. Pingback: Second Life Loser » Blog Archive » HOWTO knit marzipan
  13. Barry

    Hello, I followed a link posted by friend of a friend and I have to say I am most impressed with your creations!

    I’m not much of a knitter or baker but I am a modeller and I love your creativity to even think of doing this, let alone pulling it off so marvelously – well done!

  14. Pingback: Mad Talent with Marzipan « Daily Foolishness
  15. Pingback: Hammerspace » Blog Archive » HOWTO knit marzipan
  16. Pingback: random stuff « Julie Moffitt Online
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  18. Pingback: Knitting Cupcakes · Knitting @ CraftGossip
  19. Gerg

    Wait a minute!! If you look real closely you’ll see they’re fake!!! They’re not actually knit at all!!!! They’re just made to look like they’re knit!!!!!!


  20. Pingback: Knitting Cupcakes…the real kinds! « Perla Bella
  21. foodiebooty

    oh my goddd… you’ve got to be kidding, this is freakin amazingly tedious~~~ steoupendously creative—i so love this .. love you.. you are an art foodie saint.. its must have been yummalicious and so delight ful… l love cupcakes–your adoring fans in LA~~~foodiebooty’s d&c

  22. Pingback: Marzipan knitting « At Random
  23. yarncrazy102

    OMG!!! These are absolutely ingenious! How could you possibly eat them? Well . . . marzipan? Yeah . . . I know how you could eat them. I can’t believe you created these in four hours. How did you create the stitches? Wow!

  24. Donna

    those are just too darling to eat.
    …..much, much work went into these.

    cannot imagine how you did the “knitted items”

    you need to make this into a business

  25. Beverley

    There would not have been a strand left if I had been working on those for four hours!!–It’s comfort food!!You are indeed a knitting goddess.

  26. Pingback: Weekly Link Roundup for September 16, 2007 | Catch The Spoon
  27. Els van Dam

    Wonderfully, creative baking with a fibre flair, right on the mark. We want to put an order in for the whole lot for our upcoming Cowichan Fleece and Fibre Fair, on Vancouver Island, They do fit the bill exactly…LOL

    This is what is called baked fibernating….


  28. Pingback: I’m In! « NW Knitter
  29. Krista

    The creativity and imagination involved in making these (and even thinking them up) is astounding. You are an amazing artist!

    And I really want to eat a cupcake now.

  30. Pingback: » Blog Archive » VeganYumYum » Knit Night Cupcakes
  31. Linda M. Cunningham

    Bravo! Bravissimo! I love seeing work with knitting that pushes the boundaries of what we do.

    As a knitter and spinner (and dyer and book artist), it’s important that we push the boundaries of what the hoi polloi think we can do.

    I’ve knitted wire in homage of Debbie New, and am currently working on an installation of Lewis chessmen — we all have to do what we can to be different.

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