Category: cupcakes

Rosewater Cupcakes

Rosewater Cupcakes

I admit, these cupcakes were forced, but I learned a lot.

I still had some leftover frosting from the humongous batch I made the other night, but it was definitely going to have to be used sparingly if I wanted to frost another dozen cupcakes. I thought I would have enough as long as I didn’t pipe the frosting, and I was right. There’s nary a tablespoon leftover. I should have cooled the frosting before spreading, though. It was very sticky and didn’t play well with my frosting spatula.

So, before I decided on what recipe I wanted to make, flipped through VCTOtW and realized that I definitely didn’t want to go to the store to gather ingredients. I remembered that I had some rosewater in the pantry from when we used to make lassis, so I decided to make the Rosewater Pistachio cupcakes, sans pistachio.

So I’m making cupcakes, late at night, without all the right ingredients (I was also missing cornstartch and decided to sub arrowroot), and barely enough frosting… so why not also experiment with my new cupcake liners? These are pretty, but this is not the best application for them. They can be stunning but I missed the mark here. While this is a perfectly acceptable batch of cupcakes, they don’t quite have the visual affect that I usually shoot for. They are more “happy birthday!” than “welcome to my bakery!” But whatever, who doesn’t love birthday cupcakes!?

They cooked faster than I intended leaving the bottom of each one not burnt but definitely browned. I think that’s because they weren’t in a cupcake pan, but on a cookie sheet, allowing them to get hotter faster. I wouldn’t say they were overcooked – the crumb was absolutely perfect. It was soft, silky, spongy and moist. You can see the color variation I’m talking about below.

The liners were sort of difficult to remove, so much so that I’d hesitate serving these to a group. No one wants to fuss with their cupcake, trying to use enough force to rip through the paper but no so much that you end up holding a squashed mess. Perhaps if you cut through the rolled edge in a few places before baking this task would be easier to manage, but who wants to do that? As soon as I caught myself considering that as an option, I realized how ridiculous I was being. These are cupcakes, not ketchup packets.

Once you get them out of their wrapper, however, they’re a real treat. Since they’re taller than your usual cupcake, you really feel like you’re eating a miniature cake instead of a cupcake. I might use these liners if I wanted to serve cupcakes without the wrappers, or perhaps if I intended on making miniature cakes. Frosted on all sides and decorated, these would look outstanding.

Wow. That was a lot about cupcakes. I’m a total cupcake nerd.

Chocolate Cherry Vanilla Cupcakes

Chocolate Cherry Vanilla Cupcakes

I can’t help myself. I had leftover frosting from yesterday’s cupcakes, and it was calling to me. It was all ready to go in the piping bag and everything. I took it out of the fridge to come to room temp and started the cupcakes around 9:00. It’s past midnight now, but they’re done and they look adorable. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that I should put maraschino cherries on top of everything. Nothing will be spared!

Stewart gets to take the batch to work tomorrow. Thankfully our largest tupperware container only fits eight cupcakes – I won’t feel guilty about making him leave four of them at home for us to devour!

As usual, more gratuitous cupcake pics up on flickr.