Hand Dipped Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes
Hand Dipped Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes
I think everyone knows my inspiration here. Oh man. So satisfying.
I baked the vanilla cupcakes right in the cones. They took an extra two minutes to bake, but other than that it was easy. I piped on vanilla vegan buttercream to resemble softserve, then hand-dipped them in some melted chocolate and let them sit in the freezer for a moment to cure.
The result? Stewart complains that I tricked him. They look so much like ice cream, but are most definitely not, making them a most confusing confection. I think the dark chocolate and the sweet frosting nearly recreates the real thing – who cares if they’re hard to eat when they’re so fun to look at!
This is awsome!! Oh my god!!
I love these.. hard to eat, sure, but worth it. :)
Thanks lotta and veggiedee!
veggiedee – it’s TOTALLY worth it. It’s best to start from the bottom and work your way up – no worries about ice cream leaking out!
Oh man!!
I saw these on Flickr and I love them SO much! How beautiful and perfect they are… nice work!
wow, those do look totally real!
i would love the frosting recipe as my daughter is allergic to all dairy and I am having trouble coming up with a buttercream frosting, the one i made the other day (for ice cream cone cupcakes ironically enough) was too buttery flavored stick tasting!
beautiful!! i love these!
Those are truly adorable.
Thanks everyone!
Anonymous – You should look into getting Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. It’s a cookbook with 75 vegan (and therefore dairy free) recipes, including frostings.
The frosting I make is based on the recipe in that cookbook (I use a little more powdered sugar than she calls for) so I’m not sure if I can post it here. It’s basically vegan buttery spread, vegan shortening, and powdered sugar whipped up to be light and airy. Perhaps you should experiment with different brands to see what taste you like best? My favorite is Earth Balance.
Sorry I couldn’t be more of a help!
Can you say wow! One of the most original ideas I’ve seen yet. I’ll feature you on my blog at http://ooolala-cupcakes.blogspot.com. Cheers and thanks!
What a fresh idea using ice cream cone as the base of cup cakes,thanks for letting me learn a new concept on food decoration today.
These look fabulous!
How would you suggest someone go about transporting these?
I make cupcakes in ice cream cones quite often. I found the easiest way to transport them is to use a shirt box , about 2 to 2 1/2 inches deep – depending on size of cupcakes. Tape the box together. Measure diameter of cone and cut out circles to fit base of cone, on the top of the box only. ( Don’t cut them too close to each other.) Place cupcakes in “holes” and place in larger box that can accomodated the depth without touching the frosting. if serving at a party, I generally wrap the box with pretty paper and use as a center piece for my dessert table.
i love that!
My mom used to make these when I was little! Except, you know, they weren’t vegan.
I made a mint chocolate version of this- chocolate/mint cupcake, mint frosting & chocolate ganache topping w/ mint green & “chocolate” colored cones. My boyfriend LOVED them! Thanks for the great idea:)
Oh boy can’t wait to try this… yum! =]
I really think this is such a cool idea! Can you please send me the recipe?
I luckily came across your website when I was looking for a recipe for a cherry trifle. I saw Martha Stewart today on the Early Show do a segment on great cherry inspired dishes. I then came across your mini cherry trifle pictures. So creative and beautiflly photographed. You should send her some of your ideas. You would make a great team and it would benefit so many who are looking for vegan recipes/ideas. They would also inspire people who do not eat veagan but love to cook/bake. I live in the Boston area. Are you in business yet? I will be very surprised if you are not?
you baked it right in the cone?? crazy
it didnt melt ..
are those cones vegan?
How wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this! :O)
these are easy to make and lots of fun, theres a website kupcakekonz.com that sells easy to use pans, makes it so much easier , i love cooking with them
These are the cutest things ever and they look delicious! I definitely have to make these some day!
oh mi gosh these are by far the cutest things i’ve ever seen and look mighty good- might i add! they’re so fun to bring out the young soul in yourself… i love these fun treats, as for i still pretend i’m a kid some days!
Hi there!!
your work is amazing. I really like reading your blog and inspire from your photos.
QUEST?ON: I want to make some melted-chocolate half- covered cookies. but I can never be able to freeze them like you did it here. does this have a trick??
tnx a lot :)
I work at a family restaurant and would love to make these for kids for dessert. My only problem would be how to serve them individually? Can you help? Thanks!
I’d love to make these; they look so yummy!
I need the recipe for the piping also! Please….;)
The vegan cupcakes take over the world icing is fantastic! We can’t have soy, either, so I just use Spectrum shortening in mine, and we love the result. I serve my cupcakes to “normals” and have gotten nothing but raves about them. I have to admit, though, mine never comes out anywhere near as stiff as yours. I’ll have to up my powdered sugar amount and give it a whirl. Thanks for the ideas!
These look so awesome that I’m even considering baking! WOW!
Wow! What an amazing idea! Makes me want to put together an ice cream sweet table…